WooCommerce has build in breadcrumbs for the WooCommerce related pages, but it doesn’t affect other non-WooCommerce pages. Maybe you already have a different breadcrumb solution setup and want to remove the default WooCommerce breadcrumbs; thats where this post is for. Removing Breadcrumbs The breadcrumbs in WooCommerce can be removed with a simple one line code snippet. The …
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WooCommerce allows anyone to sort their shipping rates through the Shipping Zones settings. Unfortunately its not always possible to all the shipping rates as some may not be available directly from within the shipping zones. For example, multiple shipping rates from live carrier quotes can be retrieved through an API, and usually are setup with …
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Whether you use WooCommerce for quotation purposes or just like to change the text; “Place order” works but sounds a bit flat and generic. Changing it to another text is very easy using a code snippet, as I will show in this blog post. Changing the Order Confirmation Button Using the following code snippet you …
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In a earlier post I wrote about hiding product prices on category pages. This post is similar on hiding prices, but focuses on the hiding of pricing based on the user role, or lack thereof (guest users). Hiding Prices for Guest Users First thing I want to show is hiding prices for all users that …
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When first configuring shipping rates in WooCommerce and performing tests you may run into unexpected results at the cart/checkout when you’ve made a change. The shipping cache in WooCommerce stores the shipping rates automatically when they’re calculated the first time. The cached shipping rates are great for production sites, but while still configuring your site it can …
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Cross sells could be great to increase your customer order value and provide them with more products they need. But another way to look at it is that is can distract them from completing their purchase, especially when its at the cart. I personally prefer to have a clean cart where a user can quickly …
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We’ve all been there, a customer enters their data an inevitably there will be typos in there. In general not that big of a deal, but it is a big deal when for example your shipping is based on the customer city, or your shipping carrier won’t be able to deliver the package without a …
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When you sell big products that require special freight shipping but also smaller products it may be beneficial for you and your customers to offer separate shipping for those products. Freight shipping can take longer and be more expensive, and naturally you want to keep cost as low as possible for your customers. Splitting the …
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Sending out emails to customers is an important step in the eCommerce process. You need to make sure everything is working and showing as expected. WooCommerce doesn’t have a way of previewing order emails other then actually sending one out. Not the easiest way, nor does it allow you to view a email of a …
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WooCommerce natively shows additional product tabs with product related content on the product page. The basic tabs are related to the full product description, product attributes and the reviews. With that plenty other plugins are adding more to that. Tabs work for a lot of stores, but of course not all of them. Maybe you …
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