Creating a Login/Registration Page Before Checkout

Requiring customers to login or register before checking out may sound counter-intuitive; but in some cases this can have a positive effect on the user experience and also conversion rates. Besides that it can prevent fraud orders *to some degree*. The web-giant Amazon is a example that requires having a account to continue ordering your …

Process WooCommerce Orders Quicker from the Overview

When you’re processing your customers recent purchases you’re probably using the WooCommerce order overview page quite a lot to process and complete orders. One downside that really slows down the entire process is that the entire page is reloaded every time you update a single order status. In this post I want to tackle that slow …

Add Your Store Address to the Thank You Page for Local Pickup

With the ‘Local pickup’ shipping type you can allow your customers to choose to pickup their orders on location instead of shipping it out. This is of course great for local customers so they can save shipping costs or pickup their order when it best fits them.  The one thing that is missing in WooCommerce is …

Hide the Navigation Menu on the Cart / Checkout

As you may have read before elsewhere, removing the navigation menu from cart and checkout pages potentially increase your conversion rates significantly. Giving customers less distraction and less choices will help direct them in the right direction.  In my opinion you don’t want to completely block them off from the rest of your site and …

How to Remove Breadcrumbs in WooCommerce

WooCommerce has build in breadcrumbs for the WooCommerce related pages, but it doesn’t affect other non-WooCommerce pages. Maybe you already have a different breadcrumb solution setup and want to remove the default WooCommerce breadcrumbs; thats where this post is for. Removing Breadcrumbs The breadcrumbs in WooCommerce can be removed with a simple one line code snippet. The …