Today a new plugin has been released on Ace Plugins! From now on you can find the EDD Advanced Fees in the Easy Digital Downloads category.

With the EDD Advanced Fees plugin you're able to use conditions to add or subtract fees from the purchase. Using any of the available conditions you're able to configure the fees fully to your needs.

EDD Advanced Fees sample fee


The plugin already comes with a list of conditions and features. You can choose your own fee title, the fee amount can be a fixed fee or order amount percentage (positive or negative) and you can configure the fee as taxable or not.

In the screenshot below you can see all the conditions available at this point.

EDD Advanced Fees conditions list

Roadmap and Questions

Since the plugin is brand new all feedback is more then welcome. Is there a feature/condition missing from the plugin? Just shoot me a message with your requirement and we'll discuss if it will be a good addition to the plugin.

The biggest feature that is on top of the roadmap is the ability to setup fees based on categories, per download and possibly per tag. At the time of reading this it may already be available (for testing), send in a message to inform about this ;-)

Have any questions about the plugin and the possibilities, shoot us a message through the contact form.

About the author: Jeroen Sormani is actively building WordPress, WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads plugins. Slightly obsessed by writing high quality code.
Follow Jeroen on Twitter

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