Advanced Checkout Fields for WooCommerce
Latest version: 1.7.0
View Changelog
Advanced Checkout Fields for WooCommerce changelog
= 1.7.0 - 17/04/2024 =
- [Update] - Rewrite entire settings/configuration. All falls within the WooCommerce > Settings area now
- [update] - WP Conditions library to
- [Update] - WP Updater library to 1.1.1
- [Add] - PHP 8.2 tested/compatibility
- [Fix] - Field condition based on radio button value not working as intended
Version 1.6.1, 2023-08-21
- [Fix] - Fix incidental error when changing order status
Version 1.6.0, 2023-07-12
- [Add] - HPOS compatibility
- [Update] - WP Conditions library to 1.0.14
- [Fix] - Checkbox group field value not showing in admin
- [Fix] - Checkbox group not remembering choices at checkout
- [Fix] - Incidental error while performing REST requests
Version 1.5.1, 2023-01-18
- [Fix] - New repeater fields not always saving
- [Fix] - Incorrect field counter for repeater fields
- [Fix] - Zipcode requirement for countries that don't have Zipcodes
- [Improvement] - Further performance improvements when using many conditional fields
- [Improvement] - Account pages show conditional fields conditionally
- [Improvement] - Don't show fields when empty on the thank-you page
Version 1.5.0, 2022-05-04
- [Update] - Updated REGEX to improve splitting the options in field types with choices (e.g. dropdown)
- [Update] - WP Conditions library to 1.0.12
- [Update] - WP Updater library to 1.1.0
- [Fix] - Error when having an empty checkout group
- [Fix] - Field conditions with radio buttons not working as expected
Version 1.4.0, 2021-03-17
- [Add] - Modify account fields (BETA feature, subject to change)
- [Update] - Minimum require PHP 7.0+
- [Update] - Don't run on CRON
- [Fix] - Hidden conditional field still being required in some occasions
- [Fix] - UI element, caret closing the entire section instead only the row
- [Fix] - Error in admin UI when field group is empty/does not exist
Version 1.3.3, 2020-01-09
- [Fix] - Datepicker not allowing to select dates with WP 5.3.1
Version 1.3.2, 2019-06-17
- [Add] - 'All product quantity' option for repeater field
- [Improvement] - Allow for manually setting 'HTML' field type with proper HTML format for field conditions (data-id attribute)
- [Improvement] - Handle field IDs more gracefully when having duplicate field IDs (experimental)
- [Improvement] - Description/heading fields not working as expected with dynamic field conditions
- [Improvement] - Field condition value field resetting after changing field type of a newly added field
- [Fix] - Repeater field name/ID
- [Fix] - Incidental field not showing after a repeater field
- [Fix] - Incidental error when trying to view a repeater field expanded in admin
- [Fix] - Notice when sending email of a order that did not have a custom checkout field setup
- [Fix] - Category repeater not working for variation products
- [Update] - WP Conditions library to 1.0.8
Version 1.3.1, 2018-08-15
- [Add] - Shipping method / Payment gateway field conditions
- [Improvement] - Field can now have same IDs for cases such as conditional city field based on state (only 1 should ever be available though).
- [Improvement] - Clear object cache automatically on saving checkout fields
- [Improvement] - Improved stability for field condition value field to hold/display the saved value
- [Fix] - Error given when creating a checkbox group
- [Fix] - Incidental field override when duplicating a field (caused by already existing generated IDs)
- [Fix] - Searchable/Enhanced dropdown field options
- [Update] - WP Updater library to 1.0.2
- [Update] - WP Conditions library to 1.0.7
Version 1.3.0, 2018-05-24
- [Add] - Support for certain HTML in labels
- [Improvement] - Remove unneeded queries being performed on the non-checkout pages
- [Improvement] - Better support for field conditions with choices that have spaces
- [Improvement] - The 'Searchable dropdown' field no longer requires a Woo specific script
- [Fix] - Show data properly on the Thank you page when configured
- [Fix] - Error in email when processing a order made before ACF was active
- [Fix] - Error when creating a new order manually
Version, 2018-02-13
- [Important] - Updated the automatic plugin update URL for continued future use, update soonest.
Version 1.2.0, 2017-10-04
- [Add] - Repeater field type - Add fields that get multiplied by the number of products, categories or shipping class products in the cart
- [Add] - Conditional fields - Only show field based when the field conditions have matched.
- [Add] - Allow REGEX patterns in field validation (requires PHP 7+)
Version 1.1.1, 2017-06-29
- [Improvement] - Update WP Conditions to 1.0.3
- [Fix] - 'User role' condition 'Guest' wasn't working
- [Improvement] - Allow conditions outside postbox / multiple times inside. Not limited to .postbox class.
- [Add] - Zipcode range support. E.g. 'Zipcode' = 'equal to' = '10000-20000,30000-40000'
Version 1.1.0, 2017-03-21
- [Add] - WC 3.0 compatibility
- [Improvement] - BIG refactor of the backend conditions - please verify your setup if using custom coded condition
- [Improvement] - Smoother User Experience with conditions
- Instant adding of conditions / condition groups
- Only show valid operator options
- Instantly show condition descriptions
- Deleting entire condition groups
- Duplicate condition groups
Version 1.0.3, 2016-11-22
- IMPORTANT NOTE - As of this version, the plugin requires PHP 5.3 or higher to function
- [Add] - Setting to show on thank you page
- [Add] - Option to add the custom fields to address easily through code snippet: [link to doc]
- [Fix] - Show / allow to edit the 'order/other' fields on the admin order screen.
- [Improvement] - Licensing field moved to plugins page.
Version 1.0.2, 2016-09-05
- [Improvement] - Refactored condition code (backend)
- [Improvement] - Improved 'product' condition value fields (allow searching) and supports huge amounts of product
Version 1.0.1,
- [Improvement] - Save custom checkout fields to user. Ensuring new user registration and shipping based on custom field come through correct.
- [Fix] - A couple notices on manually created orders
Version 1.0.0,
- Initial release